When you book your appointment, please tell our reception staff if you have, or if you are attending for, a fever, shortness of breath, of any other symptoms that may indicate a COVID-19 infection.
For the health and safety of all patients and our staff members, the following protocols remain in place at Helix Healthcare unless otherwise annotated in red:

Please arrive on time for your appointment. You may be asked to reschedule your appointment if your arrive late.
If there are no spaces in our car park, you may use the Church of God's car park opposite.
A mask or suitable face covering must be worn inside the building at all times. This policy has been suspended since 29 March 2021.
As soon as you enter the clinic sanitize your hands by using the wall-mounted hand sanitizer dispenser. If you are wearing gloves, please sanitize your gloves.
We have re-spaced the chairs in the waiting room to be 6-feet apart. Please remain cognizant of the 6-ft. rule, and do all you can to keep space between yourself and others in the reception area.
Only one helper for patients with mobility issues will be allowed to attend the consultation. This policy has been suspended since the end of lockdown.
Only one parent for a child patient under the age of 18-years old will be allowed to attend the consultation, and no siblings. This policy has been suspended since the end of lockdown.
To reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19, we discourage the use of cash for co-payments, and payment for other services. Please be prepared to receive a call from our reception staff immediately after your consultation to make payments for services provided. This policy has been suspended since the end of lockdown.
We have also. . .
Enhanced our already comprehensive cleaning protocol to disinfect and sanitize all high-touch and public areas with cleaning products recommended by the Centre for Disease Control. To help us maintain cleanliness in the restroom, please use a sanitizing wipe to clean all surfaces you have touched in the restroom.
Installed plastic “splash” screens between patients and reception staff.
Installed a sterilization process for items passed between reception staff and patients.
All doctors at Helix Healthcare have been fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and are tested at regular intervals.
Helix Healthcare will continue to offer telemedicine consultations, if preferred. Visit www.helix.ky, click on sign-up (top right-hand corner of the home page) to register. You can then book your telemedicine consultation online at a date and time convenient to you; or call 749-4444 to book though reception.
Welcome to Helix Healthcare, where your health and safety is our priority!